News & Media
Dr. Courtney Beard was interviewed by Harvard Catalyst about the CARE Lab's involvement with the Coalition for Equity in Research. Article link.
Dr. Jackie Bullis was consulted for this article on Prince Harry and agoraphobia.
Lab members and collaborators Ramya Ramadurai, Erin Beckham, R. Kathryn McHugh, Thröstur Björgvinsson, & Courtney Beard published Operationalizing engagement with an interpretation bias smartphone app intervention:
A case series in the Journal of Internet Medical Research.
July: Dr. Courtney Beard is highlighted in a media article about a partnership between McLean Hospital, CJP, JF&CS providing CBT services for individuals in Massachusetts. Click here.
May: Dr. Courtney Beard's current study "HabitWorks" is featured on Mclean Hospitals website
May: Dr. Courtney Beard is featured in Mclean's Horizons Magazine and Mclean's website for her smartphone app intervention study: BRIDGE
Dr. Andrew Peckham and Dr. Martha Falkenstein are honored to receive the ADAA CDLP Award.
Fall: Dr. Courntey Beard, Dr. Marie Forgeard, and Dr. Thröstur Björgvinsson's work using smartphone apps to assess affect in real time featured in Discovery at McLean Hospital.
July: Dr. Courtney Beard is promoted to Co-Director of the Behavioral Health Partial Hospital Clinical Research Program at McLean Hospital.
April: Dr. Courtney Beard speaks at Harvard Medical School- "Turning Fear into Power: Understanding and managing anxiety"
November: Dr. Courtney Beard speaks at the inaugural Technology in Psychiatry Summit hosted by McLean Hospital.
Dr. Courtney Beard and Dr. Thröstur Björgvinsson's work is highlighted in McLean Hospital's "Year in Review".