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News & Media


  • August:

    • Dr. Courtney Beard was interviewed by Harvard Catalyst about the CARE Lab's involvement with the Coalition for Equity in Research. Article link.


  • January:

    • Dr. Jackie Bullis was consulted for this article on Prince Harry and agoraphobia.


  • June:

    • Lab members and collaborators Ramya Ramadurai, Erin Beckham, R. Kathryn McHugh, Thröstur Björgvinsson, & Courtney Beard published Operationalizing engagement with an interpretation bias smartphone app intervention:
      A case series 
      in the Journal of Internet Medical Research.


  • JulyDr. Courtney Beard is highlighted in a media article about a partnership between McLean Hospital, CJP, JF&CS providing CBT services for individuals in Massachusetts. Click here.


  • May: Dr. Courtney Beard's current study "HabitWorks" is featured on Mclean Hospitals website

  • May: Dr. Courtney Beard is featured in Mclean's Horizons Magazine and Mclean's website for her smartphone app intervention study: BRIDGE


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  • Dr. Andrew Peckham and Dr. Martha Falkenstein are honored to receive the ADAA CDLP Award.

  • Fall: Dr. Courntey Beard, Dr. Marie Forgeard, and  Dr. Thröstur Björgvinsson's work using smartphone apps to assess affect in real time featured in Discovery at McLean Hospital.

  • July: Dr. Courtney Beard is promoted to Co-Director of the Behavioral Health Partial Hospital Clinical Research Program at McLean Hospital.



  • April: Dr. Courtney Beard speaks at Harvard Medical School- "Turning Fear into Power: Understanding and managing anxiety"

  • November: Dr. Courtney Beard speaks at the inaugural Technology in Psychiatry Summit hosted by McLean Hospital.


  • Dr. Courtney Beard and Dr. Thröstur Björgvinsson's work is highlighted in McLean Hospital's "Year in Review".

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